USB Network Gate Product Page

USB Network Gate 11.0

Build 11.0.2697 [Released: March 03, 2025]

  • Fixed rare occurrence of system crash during the app installation. 
  • Other minor bug fixes and performance improvements.

USB Network Gate 11.0

Build 11.0.2687 [Released: January 27, 2025]

  • Fixed an issue where connected remote USB devices were displayed in the Local USB devices tab. 
  • Fixed an issue where USB Network Gate log files may have unexpectedly appeared on the user’s desktop after the software installation.

USB Network Gate 11.0

Build 11.0.2684 [Released: December 16, 2024]

  • Users can now make remote USB webcams available only for their user account when working in a multi-user environment. USB Network Gate adds support for USB device isolation in apps that rely on Microsoft Media Foundation, e.g. web browsers, Skype, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc.    
  • The app's Connect devices menu now includes additional connection optimization options. 
  • Fixed issues with high-speed connections to remote USB 3.0 flash drives shared on Windows 7 computers.
  • Fixed rare occurrences of system crashes. 
  • Lots of minor bug fixes and performance optimizations.

USB Network Gate 10.0

Build 10.0.2593 [Released: November 01, 2023]

  • Added: Minor bug fixes and performance improvements.

USB Network Gate 10.0

Build 10.0.2450 [Released: January 18, 2022]

  • Improved: TLS 1.2 (or higher) is now used as a secure protocol for encrypted connections.
  • Added: automatic encryption for connections with password authentication.
  • Added: support for Windows 11.
  • Added: support for ARM-based systems.
  • Improved: SDK versions for Windows, macOS and Linux can now be activated with the same Activation Key.
  • Fixed: BSOD when using the device isolation functionality.
  • Fixed: issues with enabling isolation for USB scanners when working with .NET Framework and UWP applications.
  • Fixed: memory leak when connecting to the USB 3.0 Virtual Hub.
  • Fixed: issues with freeing up computer resources after USB port unsharing.
  • Lots of minor bug fixes and performance optimizations.

USB Network Gate 9.2

Build 9.2.2420 [Released: August 5, 2021]

  • Fixed: some minor bugs and glitches.
  • Improved: responsiveness when working with remote USB HID devices over low-speed connections.
  • Fixed: BSOD when reconnecting to a remote USB webcam.

USB Network Gate 9.2

Build 9.2.2372  [Released: April 19, 2021]

  • Added: the possibility of simplified software update installation.
  • Improved: compatibility with software drivers of older versions.
  • Fixed: issues with installing the Device Isolation Components via the software GUI.

USB Network Gate 9.2

Build 9.2.2333  [Released: January 5, 2021]

  • Improved: Device Isolation Components compatibility with third-party software.
  • Fixed:  issues with automatic connection of shared USB devices in a Remote Desktop session. 
  • Fixed: USB device isolation issues.
  • Lots of minor fixes and enhancements.

USB Network Gate 9.1

Build 9.0.2306  [Released: October 12, 2020]

  • Improved: data transfer speed for USB 3.0 storage devices.
  • Improved: the Device Isolation Components are now digitally signed by Microsoft and supported on systems with enabled Secure Boot. 
  • Fixed: active connections to remote devices might be interrupted when unsharing one of the local USB ports.
  • Discontinued: support for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008.

USB Network Gate 9.0

Build 9.0.2236  [Released: May 8, 2020]

  • Fixed: issues when using Chrome, Microsoft Edge (based on Chromium), Brave, and Vivaldi browsers after the installation of the USB Network Gate Device Isolation Components.
  • Fixed: an issue that could cause a crash of the Windows Scan app after the installation of the USB Network Gate Device Isolation Components. 

USB Network Gate 9.0

Build 9.0.2205  [Released: April 23, 2020]

  • Added: USB device isolation. The list of supported device types includes (but is not limited to): USB flash drives, external hard drives, 3D mice, USB cameras, USB printers, USB scanners, USB audio cards, and USB microphones. Available in USB Network Gate for Windows 8 and later.
  •  Per-session USB device isolation. The connected remote USB device is accessible only during a specific session (e.g. an RDP session).
  •  Per-user USB device isolation. The connected remote USB device is accessible only to a specific user.
  • Fixed: BSOD when sharing Genius cameras.
  • Fixed: BSOD when unplugging the shared USB CDC device from the server computer.
  • Fixed: An issue with using the installer language in the software GUI on 64-bit Windows platforms.

USB Network Gate 8.2

Build 8.2.2087  [Released: January 9, 2020]

  • Improved: support for high DPI displays. 
  • Fixed: an issue when restoring the client’s connections to two or more shared USB devices after the client machine reboot. 

USB Network Gate 8.1

Build 8.1.2013  [Released: June 13, 2019]

  • Added: Slovenian and Vietnamese localizations.
  • Fixed: the software drivers could stop working correctly if connecting and disconnecting devices frequently.
  • Fixed: BSOD or system hang when entering or exiting the sleep mode with USB devices shared.
  • Fixed: the software can now work with hardware USB monitors.
  • Fixed: memory leak after the device disconnection and unsharing.
  • Fixed: the software GUI could interrupt Windows reboot.

USB Network Gate 8.0

Build 8.0.1859 [Released: November 7, 2017]

  • Improved: data transfer speed
  • Several other major enhancements
  • Fixed: some minor bugs and glitches

Build 8.0.1828 [Released: June 28, 2017]

  • Added: the following localizations:
    • Chinese (China)
    • Chinese (Taiwan)
    • Dutch
    • French
    • German
    • Italian
    • Japanese
    • Korean
    • Polish
    • Portuguese
    • Russian
    • Spanish
  • Added: displaying the amount of data transferred in both directions for each connection.
  • Added: displaying the data transfer speed in both directions for each connection.
  • Added: displaying the client’s IP address (instead of “localhost”) on other clients, when it is connected to itself locally.
  • Added: automatic client disconnection option, if the shared device was not active for a certain amount of time.
  • Added: the option that prevents the restart of the shared device after its disconnection.
  • Improved: GUI compatibility with high-resolution monitors.
  • Improved: the performance of the network connection between the USB Network Gate server and client.
  • Improved: drivers are digitally signed with WHQL.
  • Fixed: execution of the “unshare-all-usb-ports” command, when the device was shared from the USB hub, which was disconnected from the machine and was not displayed in the list.
  • Fixed: the occurrence of several BSODs.
  • Fixed: inaccurate displaying of the description and status of the shared devices shown in the command line on the client.
  • Fixed: functioning with the USB drives displayed in the system as SCSI (e.g. Seagate Expansion).
  • Fixed: the “Allow disconnection by other users” option did not persist when it was enabled after the device was shared.
  • Fixed: issues when sharing identical devices.
  • Fixed: functioning of the Xbox gamepads.
  • Fixed: minor activation issues.
  • Fixed: an issue with the constant errors appearing in the log when trying to connect via RDP.
  • Fixed: minor client auto-reconnect issues.

USB Network Gate 7.0

Build 7.0.1370 [Released: December 10, 2015]

  • Added: full support for Windows 10
  • Added: per-session USB device isolation. Allows assigning a particular USB device to a particular user, which is extremely useful in multi-user environment. Currently available for USB flash drives and USB cameras in test mode.
  • Added: support for ICA protocol. USB devices plugged into a thin client appear in a remote session over ICA.
  • Added: new sharing option allowing remote clients to be disconnect from the shared USB device by other clients
  • Added: USB port location can be shown in device description for better identification of similar USB devices
  • Added: new functions for the OEM users:
    • ServerAllowDevRemoteDisconnect
    • ClientRemoteDevDisconnect
    • ClientRemoteDisconnectIsEnabled
    • ClientGetRdpIsolation
    • ClientSetRdpIsolation
  • Added: support for Allen-Bradley controllers by Rockwell
  • Improved: client part of USB Network Gate can be installed separately
  • Improved: support for USB Bluetooth adapters, including better detection and correct name display
  • Much improved: compression methods
  • Much improved: transfer speed for USB Flash drives
  • Improved: better visualization for USB devices in the devices tree
  • Improved: authorization is not lost if sharing parameters are changed on the go, unless TCP port is changed
  • Fixed: issue when virtual devices were not properly removed from Device Manager

USB Network Gate 6.2

Build 6.2.680 [Released: December 3, 2014]

  • Added: compatibility with FlexiHub
  • Improved: data transfer speed when the client machine is behind NAT
  • Fixed: issue with missing automatic updates on Windows 8
  • Fixed: memory leak when sharing USB devices
  • Fixed: BSOD when trying to change connection mode (MTP, Mass Storage, etc) of Android device which is currently shared
  • Fixed: BSOD at system boot after having installed USB Network Gate on Windows To Go
  • Fixed: hanging of application after it canceled IRP sent to Virtual Hub of USB Network Gate
  • Fixed: BSOD caused by incorrect block size determination during isoch transfer

USB Network Gate 6.2

Build 6.2.671 [Released: December 11, 2013]

  • Added: new user interface for even easier connections creation and management

  • Added: callback connection can be created (connection with a client initiated from the server side). Currently only for Windows server-client configuration.

  • Added: warning when trying to share Human Interface Device

  • Improved: overall application stability

  • Improved: shared USB devices are now automatically detected by the client and are added to the list of available remote devices on the go

  • Improved: connection encryption, authorization and traffic compression settings, as well as device description, can be changed on the go

  • Improved: device description field now keeps history drop-down list to see all the values ever assigned

  • Improved: GUI is not blocked during sharing/unsharing and connection/disconnection processes anymore

  • Fixed: issue with erroneous data transfer to a USB Flash drive in case it was shared on a Linux server

  • Fixed: BSOD when unsharing and ejecting USB device at a time

USB Network Gate 6.0

Build 6.0.437 [Released: October 08, 2013]

  • Improvements for compatibility with Windows 8.1
  • Improved: support for virtual hubs operating in asynchronous mode
  • Fixed: BSOD at the program start in case hub failed to return its Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)
  • Fixed: BSOD when multiple devices are being shared at a time

USB Network Gate 6.0

Build 6.0.413 [Released: September 12, 2013]

  • Update: The current version is incompatible with the previous ones. One cannot combine the old version of client with the new server and vice versa.
  • Added: possibility to compress traffic. Helps speed up interaction with USB device and reduce Internet traffic.
  • Added: support for USB network interface controllers
  • Added: support for SpaceNavigator 3D mouse for Notebooks
  • Added: even more USB devices, including Logitech webcams, can be shared on the go now, without prior sharing of USB port
  • Added: new u2ec.dll functions – for OEM License owners:
    • ServerGetSharedUsbDevIsCompressed – determines whether network traffic for the shared USB device is compressed;
    • ClientTrafficRemoteDevIsCompressed – determines whether network traffic for the remote shared USB device is compressed;
    • ServerDisconnectRemoteDev – disconnects from a remote shared USB device from the client side.
  • Optimized: “Find all” option for quicker search of all available shared USB devices. “Find all” window can be closed now even if the search is not over yet.
  • Optimized: clients can disconnect much quicker from a remote USB device which turned unshared or in case the remote server went offline
  • Improved: sharing mechanism
  • Improved: support for AVM FRITZ!Card USB, ISDN terminal adapter
  • Improved: data transfer speed during scanning with Lexmark MFP using the scanner’s native user interface
  • Improved: USB data flow is now divided in streams for even higher transfer speed, with flash drive’s speed reaching up to 10 MB/sec
  • Improved: support for interactive pen displays and digital drawing tablets, like Wacom and others
  • Improved: work with USB Flash drives became more stable, especially when client connects to and disconnects from multiple devices at the same time
  • Fixed: minor user interface issues on Windows Vista and higher
  • Fixed: issue when clients failed to detect USB devices shared on the server in case RDP session with this machine was initialized
  • Fixed: issue when USB device, plugged into Intel USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller, switched to unshared state after client disconnected from it
  • Fixed: BSOD when sharing D-LINK DU-562M and Zoom 56K USB modems
  • Fixed: several issues with USB devices sharing plugged into USB 3.0 port, including BSOD, as well as Device Manager hanging, on Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008
  • Fixed: several issues with USB Wi-Fi adapters sharing, including BSOD and system hanging
  • Fixed: “Unshare all” option is now available even if a USB hub, which has a shared USB port on it, is already unplugged
  • Fixed: several issues, including BSOD, with USB 3.0 controllers based on chipsets by VIA Labs

USB Network Gate 5.1

Build 5.1.197 [Released: September 12, 2012]

  • Improvements for compatibility with Windows 8, including fix of sharing issues and GUI crash
  • Added: Windows Server 2012 64-bit support
  • Added: command line options to automate the process of sharing USB devices and connecting to them. Available even in demo version.
  • Fixed: newly connected USB devices would not appear in the system after a USB hub, with devices plugged into it, was disconnected from a computer
  • Fixed: UNG service would not restart if a USB hub, with a shared device plugged into it, was disconnected from a computer
  • Fixed: several issues with USB devices sharing plugged into USB 3.0 port, including BSOD
  • Fixed: rare issues caused by incorrect writing of USB filters (drivers which capture USB devices) into registry during UNG installation:
    • newly connected USB devices were not detected by the system;
    • after the system reboot any USB device was not detected.
  • Fixed: connection to shared USB devices failed on RDP server in case only 3389 port was open
  • Fixed: issue when only one RDP client – among several ones working on the same server – could connect to a shared device in case shared USB devices had the same TCP ports
  • Fixed: incorrect detection by the server of the connected client’s address (OEM version)
  • Fixed: performance problems on the client side caused by handle leak
  • Fixed: authorization issue on Windows machine with Chinese system locale if the password contained uneven number of symbols
  • Update: callback connection (possibility to initiate connection with a client from the server side) is now available for single licenses as well, due to new command line options
  • Optimized: shared USB devices now appear in the list of available devices much quicker when working in RDP session

USB Network Gate 5.0

Build 5.0.169 [Released: May 22, 2012]

  • Update: new name of the product
  • Added: USB v3.0 support
  • Added: compatibility with USB to Ethernet Connector for Mac OS X: now you can choose whether a Mac or Windows machine will be a client/server
  • Added: possibility to access shared USB device in remote desktop session:    – by default, for your convenience only devices that you shared on the host will be displayed on the guest computer in your RDP session. Though search for shared devices on the network will be still available.    – automatic connection of shared devices is possible, without starting the program GUI;    – internal RDP encryption algorithm and password-protection will be used.
  • Added: new function (ClientGetStateSharedDevice) which requests the current status of shared remote device from the remote server – for the OEM License owners
  • Added: USB Network Gate is automatically added to Firewall exclusions list during installation
  • Improved: iPhone sharing. Now the client system detects a shared device even when it enters Recovery Mode, which is very convenient for remote firmware updating, for example.
  • Fixed: remote diagnostics through Modem Options in Control Panel is now working properly for shared modems
  • Fixed: issues when shared USB webcams failed to appear on the client side
  • Fixed: issues when shared USB to Serial adapters failed to appear on the client side
  • Fixed: issue with poor sound quality of a shared webcam when one of the computers was connected to the local network via Wi-Fi
  • Update: connections management via Windows Registry, as well as remote Service management via commands, are deprecated. USB devices control from your own application can be executed via u2ec.dll functions only.

USB to Ethernet Connector 4.0

Build [Released: October 4, 2010]

  • Added: support for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 Beta
  • Added: sample application code for major development environments – for OEM License owners
  • Added: possibility to control USB devices (both on server and client machines) directly from your own application by executing u2ec.dll functions – for OEM License owners
  • Added: possibility to initiate connection with a client from the server side (callback connection) – currently for OEM License owners
  • Added: disabling connection with a client is possible from the server side
  • Added: two types of connection with remote devices are available now – “Connect” and “Connect once”, the latter allowing clients to establish one-time connection without attempts to restore it if broken
  • Added: support of external USB sound cards
  • Added: computer name of the client which currently occupies shared USB device is displayed in the list of available shared USB devices on other clients’ side
  • Added: possibility to label USB devices (set custom names, displayed on both server and client sides), which will help identify them if several devices of the same type (e.g. two printers) are shared
  • Added: special icon is assigned to devices if traffic encryption and authorization were set on the server to secure the connection
  • Added: automatic check for updates
  • Expanded: list of supported webcams
  • Improved: USB dongles (hardware keys) support
  • Improved: overall program stability
  • Improved: error logging
  • Improved: USB device name detection and its reflection in USB devices tree
  • Improved: dialog on the client side for entering password is invoked only if remote shared USB device requires authorization
  • Fixed: issue when USB to Ethernet Connector required administrator privileges and failed to run under user account on Windows Vista
  • Fixed: connection failure after USB to Ethernet Connector service restart, when password authorization was enabled
  • Fixed: connection problems if shared USB device name contained “!”
  • Fixed: issue with Activity log getting overwritten and taking too much disk space if the client failed to connect to the remote USB device