Note: All the features marked with * sign are hidden. In order to reveal them, press and hold Alt/Option.



Choose cache folder* - appoint an alternative cache folder on a different disk. The above line shows the current cache state for the chosen drive, displaying the amount of space used by cache and the storage capacity of the present drive.

Note: Doesn't work when using the macOS Native Drive type of mounting drive.

Сached files lifetime - cached files are automatically deleted once the time set in this option runs out.

Сached files lifetime    

Open at system logon - let MacDroid start automatically when you log into the system.

Auto mount at application start - automatically mount all your connected Android devices when MacDroid starts. If this option is unchecked, you can mount the required devices manually by selecting them in the list and clicking the Mount button.

Show mounted drives on the desktop – allows displaying icons for the mounted drives on your desktop.

Note: This option is available only when using the macOS Native Drive type of mounting drive. For other types of mounting drives, open Finder, go to Settings > General, and select the "Connected servers" option.

Use short device name in Finder sidebar - allows displaying abbreviated names for connected devices.

Note: This option is available only when using the macOS Native Drive type of mounting drive. 

Make drives visible to other accounts on this computer* - makes all the mounted drives visible to all the users of this Mac. If this option is disabled, the drives are visible only to the user who launched the app.

Note: The feature is hidden. In order to reveal it, press and hold Alt/Option. Available for the onsite version of MacDroid only. FUSE should be installed on your Mac.

Send anonymous usage statistics to Electronic Team, Inc. – help us improve the software by sending the usage statistics. No personal information is collected (see our Privacy Policy for details).

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