1. Create and save presets

After selecting necessary settings choose Presets > Save As… from the menu or press ⇧⌘S After that set preset name:  Now you can see your saved preset in the drop-down list of available presets in the PhotoBulk main window.

2. Save changes

To save changes you have just made to a preset click Presets > Save in the menu or press ⌘S.

Tip: Press and hold the Option key while clicking the “Save preset” button on the success screen to create a new preset.

Note: You can’t save changes to the Default preset. You can only create a new preset based on these changes.

3. Rename preset

You can rename your presets any time you wish. Choose the preset you want to rename from the drop-down list and choose Presets > Rename from the menu.

4. Delete preset

To delete a preset choose the right one from the drop-down list and in the PhotoBulk menu click Delete.

Note: Default preset cannot be changed, renamed, or deleted.