On the left-hand sidebar on the main screen, swipe to one of the media categories – Videos, Music or Photos – and select the category you want to remove an item from. Swipe up or down on the Touch surface to scroll through the Library items and highlight the item you want to remove. Press and hold the Touch surface, then select Delete. 
On the left-hand sidebar on the main screen, swipe to Settings and select it. Then select General → Go to Reset Menu → Reset Library. This will remove all files and folders from the Library (without any of them being deleted from the server).

Resetting the Library- When you delete an item, it is removed from the Elmedia Player Library, but not from the server.
- You can remove only the items in the root of a Library category. You cannot remove individual items from any of the added folders, but only a folder in whole.
On the left-hand sidebar on the main screen, swipe to Settings and select it. Then select General → Go to Reset Menu → Reset Library. This will remove all files and folders from the Library (without any of them being deleted from the server).