Data about the configuration of the connection is stored in the following Registry branches:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Electronic Team\SEC\Config - for 32-bit operating systems.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Electronic Team\SEC\Config - for 64-bit operating systems.

Each connection creates a new key in the Registry where the key name is the connection name.

The multi-string value stores the connection settings with the "settings" name.

This value contains data in XML format (for details refer to Remote Serial to Ethernet Connector Service Management).

Specifying the ADD operation type in the operation tag is required. 

Each new XML line separated with \n can be saved in a new multi-line block. This makes XML management from the Registry editor easier.

The multi-string parameter type can contain any number of terminating null characters. Two null-terminating characters indicate the end of the line.

At Registry parameters reading from settings parameter, do one of the following:

1. either remove all intermediate terminating null characters; 

2. or replace intermediate terminating null characters with end-of-line characters, for example, for easier reading.

The Service, when saving the settings parameter into the Registry, replaces each end-of-line character with a terminating null character in XML, which makes XML reading and editing in Regedit easier.

Here is the sample for UDP connection creation (virtual port is used) which should be placed into the settings parameter stored in the following Registry branch:


<proto version="6.0">
  <operation type="ADD">
      <name>UDP client COM1</name>
        <buffer enable="0" />
        <sendmode mode="0" param="0" />
       <stricted enable="0" />
        <access write="4" read="4" />
        <host name="localhost" port="5001" />
      <auth enable="0" dll="auth.dll" pwd="" />
      <crypt enable="0" />
      <ctrlsconn dtr="1" rts="1" dcd="1" />