

ClientStartRemoteDevIsolateSession (
IN PVOID pClientContext,
IN long iIndex,
IN VARIANT strPassword,
IN ULONG SessionId

Routine Description:

Initializes client's connection to the server with enabled per-session device isolation.


pClientContext - remote USB devices context returned by the ClientEnumAvailRemoteDevOnServer or ClientEnumAvailRemoteDev functions.

iIndex - serial number of the remote USB device.

strPassword - authorization password if required. You can find out whether authorization is required by calling the ClientRemoteDevRequiresAuth function.

SessionId - ID of a session in which the remote USB device will be accessible.

To get the ID of a current session, call ClientGetCurrentSessionId. To get the list of all sessions, call ClientGetSessionIds.

Return Value:

True - if the function was executed successfully. False - if an error occurred.


If you specify the ID of a non-existent session, the device will not be displayed on the remote computer until the corresponding session is created.


ClientStartRemoteDevIsolateUser (
IN PVOID pClientContext,
IN long iIndex,
IN BOOL bAutoReconnect,
IN VARIANT strPassword,
IN VARIANT strUsername

Routine Description:

Initializes client's connection to the server with enabled per-user device isolation.


pClientContext - remote USB devices context returned by the ClientEnumAvailRemoteDevOnServer or ClientEnumAvailRemoteDev functions.


iIndex - serial number of the remote USB device.

bAutoReconnect - if this parameter is True, reconnection attempts will be made after the connection break. If False - the client disconnects.

strPassword - authorization password if required. You can find out whether authorization is required by calling the ClientRemoteDevRequiresAuth function.

strUsername - name of a user that will be allowed to access the remote device. You can specify a username associated with a local user account, DOMAIN/USER associated with a domain user account, or an email address associated with a Microsoft user account.

Return Value:

True - if the function was executed successfully. False - if an error occurred.


If you specify invalid user information, the connected remote device will not be isolated and will be 
available to all users.


ClientGetSessionIds (
IN PULONG arrSessionId,
long *iCount

Routine Description:

Gets sessions list


arrSessionId - address of a buffer to receive an array of session IDs. If this value is set to NULL, the function returns the number of elements in the array arrSessionId to iCount.

iCount - a pointer to a value that receives the number of elements in the array arrSessionId.

Return Value:

True - if the function was executed successfully. False - if an error occurred. To get extended error information, call the GetLastError 


ClientGetCurrentSessionId (
OUT ULONG *pSessionId

Routine Description:

Gets current session ID. By calling this function, you can receive the ID of your current session that can
be used when calling the ClientStartRemoteDevIsolateSession function.


pSessionId - a pointer to a value that receives current session ID.

Return Value:

True - if the function was executed successfully. False - if an error occurred.


ClientIsIsolationAvailable (
OUT BOOL *bIsolation

Routine Description:

Checks whether the Device Isolation Components are installed


bIsolation - a pointer to a value that receives the result. True if the Device
Isolation Components are installed, otherwise the False value is returned.

Return Value:

True - if the function was executed successfully. False - if an error occurred.