● Redistribution of the "eveusbd" daemon
● USB Network Gate SDK Activation
Redistribution of the "eveusbd" daemon
Redistribution of "eveusbd" daemon inside your product can be achieved by including our product's SDK package - deb or rpm, depending on the distribution - into your project's installer.
Your installer should install our package on the end-users' machines during the installation of your product.
1. For Debian-based Linux distributions:
sudo dpkg -i eveusb-redistr-VERSION-ARCH.deb
How to install deb with all dependencies:
sudo apt-get update
sudo dpkg -i eveusb-redistr-VERSION-ARCH.deb
sudo apt-get install -f
2. For RPM-based Linux distributions:
sudo rpm -i eveusb-redistr-VERSION-ARCH.rpm
If YUM is installed in your system, execute:
sudo yum install eveusb-redistr-VERSION-ARCH.rpm
All dependencies will be installed automatically.
USB Network Gate SDK Activation
1. Activate USB Network Gate SDK on the developer’s machine.
After the installation of the USB Network Gate SDK on the developer’s computer, you need to activate the software using the SDK activation code you received from us after the SDK license purchase.
To do this, use the command
eveusbc license <SDK activation code>.
(The utility can be found at /opt/ElectronicTeam/eveusb/bin)
2. Once the activation is complete, find the license.act file in the following location:
and add this file to the installer of your own software.
3. On the client computers, the license.act file should be copied either to the folder mentioned above or to your product installation folder before the installation of the SDK package.